Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Two long weekends in three weeks...

This past weekend was a pleasant surprise in that it was a long weekend, again. The weekend wasn't as long as the first long weekend though, we only had Monday off as an extra day this time. Monday was a national holiday because it was, "The Day of Mary's Seven Sorrows." Mary, the mother of Jesus, is the patron saint of Slovakia and so there was a national holiday because of this. We were told somewhere in the Bible there is a list of the seven sorrows of Mary, neither myself nor the other two American teachers knew what they were or where one could find them in the Bible. We did not mind having the day off though.

On Thursday Jenny and Carol found out that a Slovak English teacher would be taking us to the High Tatra's on Saturday. Jenny called me with this news, I was not at school because somehow no classes were scheduled for me Thursday. I ended up at school later because I locked myself out of my apartment, I was let back in later though.

The Slovak teacher met myself and the other two around 10 Saturday morning and we left for a short drive to the High Tatras. Marek, the Slovak teacher, led us on a walk and what he thought was a short-cut to some stores. Well, the path was a short-cut, but it led to a hotel and we couldn't go anywhere else from there. Jenny and Carol hadn't climbed all the way up though so they got to watch Marek and I climb down, it wasn't very far but the dirt was very loose which made climbed down interesting.

After walking some more we drove to another area around the mountains and had lunch. The food was very good and very filling. After lunch we went to a Folk museum and were able to see how people lived 200 years ago. This was fun to see, life was not very different from lives of those in other European countries.

Sunday and Monday were days spent hiding inside the apartment. Outside was cold and rainy. The temperature was, and still is, a little less than 50 F. I know in a few months that temperature will feel very nice. Right now with the rain it is a cold that chills to the bones.

Marek is the second teacher to take the three of us somewhere for the weekend. It has been nice being able to get to know some of the teachers outside of school and being able to see a part of Slovakia with a native guide.

Some pictures from the weekend and Mikuláš

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