Monday, September 1, 2008


This weekend was full of hiking around different parts of the Liptovsky area. There was a long weekend in Slovakia because of two holidays which happened to fall on Friday and Monday. Friday's Holiday was more of a remembrance than anything. It is a day to remember a battle that happened during WWII and served as a turning point in attitudes of the people. The holiday on Monday, September 1 is Constitution Day.

Before the weekend, myself and the other two teachers from the U.S. asked if stores would be closed for the holidays and what would be good to do on our days off. We were told that stores would most likely be closed, a few big supermarkets might be open though. As for what to do, a couple teachers had plans for us. One, who is the school Chaplin, invited us to her house on Friday for lunch. She lives in a village near Mikulas, about 7 miles or so. Patka, our assistant principal picked up myself and the two other teachers and took us to the Chaplin's house. She and her husband were very welcoming and happy to have us visit.

We had a wonderful lunch of chicken and noodle soup, "American" potatoes, a chicken and vegetable dish and crepes for desert. In between the lunch and desert DarĨek, the chaplin, took us on a short hike to see parts of the village and countryside.

Saturday the day was spent with Anka, my mentor teacher; her boyfriend, and a school friend of hers. We went to a near-by town where there is a castle and was a festival happening. There were people dressed up as people from the Middle Ages and there were sword fights and archery competitions. We all walked up to the castle ruins as well. The path was a little steep at some points, but we all made it fine. Overall it was a nice weekend to be able to see parts of the surrounding area.

Here are links to where on-line albums of the pictures can be found.

Pictures from orientation in Bratislava are at:

Pictures of my apartment are at:

For pictures of a castle I visited Saturday the link is:

Pictures of hiking around Liptovsky are at:

As I post more pictures I will add the addresses to the blog and may add pictures directly to the blog.

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