Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Slovak lessons

I have had requests from some people to learn some Slovak words and phrases. I am still very much in the learning stage myself, but will write some of what I know so far.

Basic phrases

Áno (ah-no)= Yes

Nie (kneeh)= No

Ja som Američanka. (Ya som Americhanka.)= I am an American. (feminine, masculine is Američan.)

Volám sa... (Vo-lahm saw)= My name is...


Dobré ráno (Doe-breh rah-no)= Good morning (used till 8am)

Dobrý deň (Doe-breh den)= Good day (used from 8am-dark)

Dobrý večer (Doe-breh ve-chae)= Good evening

Dobrú noc (Doe-breh nos)= Good night

Ahoj (Ahoy)= Hello, good-bye (informal)

Čau (ciao)= Good-bye (informal)

Dovidenia (Doe-ve-den-ya)= Good-bye (formal)


Dobrú chut' (Doe-bruh huch)- Enjoy your meal

Na zdravie (Na stra-vhey)= Cheers, to your health (when toasting) or bless you (when someone sneezes)

Ďakujem (Dya-khu-yem)= Thank you

Prosím (Pro-seam)= Please or You're welcome (when referring to Ďakujem) or Here you are or Please help yourself or After you.

Nech sa páči (Nix sah pah-chee)= Here you go or Please help yourself or After you.

Ako sa máte? (Ako sah mah-te)= How are you? (formal)
Ako sa máš? (Ako sah mah-sh)= How are you? (informal)

Vel'mi dobre, d'akujem. A Vy? (Vel-me do-bray, dya-khu-yem)= Very well, thank you. And yourself?

Slovak uses formal and informal, as is seen in some of the phrases. There are also genders in the language. The ending of a word changes depending on the gender and it seems the structure of the sentence as well. I do not know much of the grammatical rules yet, but am trying to learn them. I hope you enjoy these Slovak phrases!

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